'Welcome to Taichi -Tao world !'

'The Miracle -World are waiting for you!'

This workshop is the world of mind-body unity.

Seeing is believing!

Does not require a lot of information.

One experience is more important than a lot of information.


Do you know that "consciousness is changing the body"?

You can experience it surely.

There are a lot of new discoveries.


New world is waiting for you.






I was born in Japan.
At the age of eleven began to study art at high school.
I attended a College of Design in Tokyo and worked at a Design office after that.
I'm thinking "Life is an Art" 
At 1981I started practicing Yan-style Taichi.
And in 1983, Chen-style Taichi with the teacher Wang Xian Lao-shi.
In 2001 I received a Chen-style teacher's certificate from him.

Since 1991 I have been teaching Taichi and Chi-gong in Israel almost every year.

Now I teach Taichi twice a week in Kyusyu, Japan.
Taichi is also an Art. Exactly, living is Art!
I' m also studying Tao-Shiatsu from 1999 and I have a clinic in Kyusyu.
I try to live close to nature, 
I practice natural farming and live simple and natural life.